Do You Know Someone Who Would Make a Great Foster Carer?

You know better than anyone, it takes a special kind of person to become a foster carer. It doesn’t matter about age, gender, ethnicity or relationship status, what really matters is a person having the right qualities to transform the lives of children and young people in care.

We are always recruiting more foster carers and have found that people who are recommended to TACT by our current foster carers, are much more likely to go on to be approved, than people who find out about us any other way.

If you recommend someone to us that goes on to become an approved foster carer, you will receive  £1,000.

How to Recommend a Prospective Foster Carer?

 1. Visit the TACT website – Encourage them to visit and fill in one of our contact forms. They can request an information pack or request a call from one of our enquiries team.

2. Give us a call – Encourage them to pick up the phone. Whether they a want a bit more information, have a few questions or are ready to start their fostering journey. Let them know that they can call us on 0330 123 2250 and our friendly Enquiries Team will be happy to help.

3. Leaflets – We have produced leaflets specifically for you to give to your friends and family. They include information about fostering with TACT, how to contact us and a space for you to include your name as the person that gave it to them. The leaflets will be available from your local TACT office in the next few weeks.

Where Does the Money for Rewards Come From?

As the fostering sector has become increasingly competitive, fostering agencies, including charities and Local Authorities, are having to spend more and more on advertising to recruit foster carers.

As a charity we are very conscious to ensure that our money is spent wisely and efficiently.  As such, last year we carried out a review of our advertising, which found that traditional channels such as newspapers, radio and billboards were very expensive and not very successful in generating enquiries from prospective carers. Based on our findings, we made the decision to stop using these ‘traditional’ advertising channels and to focus on the ones that were found to be more cost effective and more successful such as online advertising.

Our review also found that recommendations from our existing carers were much more likely to progress to approved Foster Carers and cost us significantly less. As such, we are using some of the money we have saved from traditional channels to increase the rewards that we offer to you, our loyal carers for helping to recruit more fantastic foster carers.