Fostering InScotland

Welcome to TACT Scotland

With over 25 years experience in foster care, we are the UK’s largest dedicated fostering charity. When you choose to foster with TACT, you will receive a generous fostering allowance, 24/7 support and access to a comprehensive training programme. You could join our Fostering Scotland team of carers!

Sadly, there are many children in Scotland who cannot be looked after by their own family. We are urgently recruiting more foster carers in Scotland who can provide care and support to some of the UK’s most vulnerable children and young people.

We are recruiting foster carers all across Scotland, particularly in Aberdeen, Ayrshire, Dundee, East Lothian, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Fife, Glasgow, Renfrewshire and West Lothian.

Can I foster in Scotland?

The first step is to check that you fulfil the basic general fostering requirements:

  • Are you at least 21 years old?
  • Do you have at least one spare bedroom in your home?
  • Are you a full-time resident of the UK, or do you have indefinite leave to remain?

If you have answered ‘yes’ to all three questions, you have fulfilled the initial criteria. We would now like to talk to you further about why you would like to become a foster carer, and ask you some more questions. Please complete our ‘start your fostering journey’ form on this page.

Watch some of our foster carers talk about why they chose TACT Scotland, and about the types of fostering required:

The Promise Scotland

The Promise Scotland started back in 2016 when Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, made a commitment that Scotland “would come together and love its most vulnerable children and give them the childhood they deserve”. This led to an Independent Care Review, which was driven by those with experience of care and listening to the voices of over 5,500 children, young people and adults.

We are dedicated to #Keepthepromise to help continue to provide better lives for children and young people and ensure that every child and young person grows up feeling loved, safe and respected.

Read more about The Promise.

The Promise Scotland logo

Why foster with TACT?

Foster carers come to us for many reasons and they stay with us – because we help them do the most rewarding job in the world. Together we transform the lives of children and young people, giving them the chance to lead happy, loving, fulfilled lives.

At TACT we are more than just a fostering agency; as a charity we put our foster carers and the children they care for at the heart of everything that we do.

Choosing to become a foster carer is one of the most rewarding decisions you will ever make, and we will be by your side every step of the way making sure that you feel valued, encouraged and supported – that is why 98% of our foster carers would recommend fostering with TACT.

Read Abby's blog here

“It’s good to remember why you’re doing this – you’re giving children a chance for a better life.”

“I am a single mum of two birth children or as I call them, ‘belly babies’. Their father and I had always wanted to foster, our plan was to have children of our own and afterwards leave space for a ‘heart baby’ when the time was right. We started our fostering journey together, but we are now divorced, and I continue fostering as a single carer…”

What do TACT foster carers benefit from?

  • We are the UK’s largest dedicated fostering charity. This means that all our surplus income is reinvested into foster carers and our young people.
  • 24/7 support ensuring that whatever you face as a foster carer you are never alone
  • Competitive fees and allowances, worked out depending on the detail of each placement
  • An excellent training package, tailored to your needs and those of the children placed with you
  • Regular meetings and support groups, giving you the chance to meet other foster carers and share experience
  • Dedicated events for the children in your care, giving them the chance to meet other fostered children
  • Access to our specialist Health & Education Services, to further help you provide care to vulnerable children


This is Natasha, she looks after our fostering Scotland team

“I have a passion for providing the most vulnerable children in society with a sense of security and stability and helping them realise their true potential. Working with a team of fantastic foster carers and staff in Scotland is a privilege and humbling experience.”

– Natasha Cartwright

The Latest News from the Scotland Team

Upcoming Information Events

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How to become a foster carer with TACT?

If you’re interested in becoming a foster carer with TACT, you can request an information pack by completing the form on this page, or call us on 0330 123 2250. We have a great team of experienced and qualified staff based across all areas of Scotland so you can rest assured knowing that wherever you are, we are ready to support you through your fostering journey. Find out more in our Statement of Purpose. You can find our registration certificates from the care inspectorate here: TACT Scotland Adult Placement Service & The Adolescent & Children’s Trust.