Giving Young People a Voice

At TACT we want to make sure that young people are at the heart of everything we do, so we are constantly looking for ways to help young people to be involved in the organisation. We understand that being looked after can be a life-changing experience for young people in care, so we welcome their voices being heard.

Young People’s Participation Groups

One of the ways that we do this is through our Children and Young People’s Participation groups, which take place in each of the main school holidays, bringing together children and young people from across TACT.

The groups provide young people with opportunities to participate in decision-making and influence how TACT works to serve them, as well as enabling them to  provide information and evidence to support us in our mission to improve standards and outcomes for children and young people.

There are two different groups, representing different ages (with the names chosen by the young people):

  • Young Voices is a group for TACT young people aged 16+ and TACT Connect members.
  • Speak Out Loud is a group for TACT young people aged 10-15 years.

How to get involved

If you or someone you know is interested in joining the Children’s Champions group, details of the upcoming meetings are below. All meetings are currently virtual, using Microsoft Teams.

Young Voices – Wednesday 7th April at 4pm

Speak Out Loud – Thursday 8th April at 4pm


To attend register your interest by completing the form on this page so we can contact you with more details on how to join.

You can also get in touch with your local Children’s Resource Worker (or ask your carer to do this) for more details. If you are worried or feel a little nervous about coming along, your CRW or a TACT Social Worker would be more than happy to have a chat beforehand.

What happens at the meetings?

The participation groups are run by young people with the support of TACT’s Children’s Resource Workers, so they help to decide what the meetings are about. At the Easter meetings the groups will be talking about:

  • How the meetings should be run
  • What involvement they want from Andy Elvin (TACT’s CEO)
  • How they are finding school in the pandemic
  • Climate change and TACT’s environmental policies

They will also get to meet the new TACT Connect Coordinator and find out about the new Peer Mentoring Scheme.

Thanking young people for their involvement

As a thank you for our young people’s time, a £10 Amazon voucher will be given to each young person who attends a meeting.